- LL.B (Hons), Islamic University of Indonesia (2009)
- SIP (in Political Science), Gadjah Mada University (2009)
- LL.M in Business & Taxation Law, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France (2010)
- Licensed to practice law as an advocate by the Indonesian Bar Association (PERADI)
- Association of International Petroleum Negotiators (AIPN).
- Indonesia Chapter on the Renewable Energy Law Review https://thelawreviews.co.uk/edition/1001368/the-renewable-energy-law-review-edition-2
Prior to joining AHP, Insan worked as an in-house counsel for 6 years in the largest Oil & Gas Company in the world. With his extensive experience in the areas of upstream, downstream, and midstream LNG, he has developed breadth of knowledge not only in the Oil & Gas regulatory regimes but also deep-rooted understanding of its commercial context and industry driver.
Being an active member of the Association of International Petroleum Negotiators (AIPN) and his network within the Oil & Gas industry as well as with the regulator such as SKK Migas and Migas, he continues to nurture his knowledge in the development of Oil & Gas Laws and its complex transactions.
Insan earned his master’s degree in France with the support of the French Oil & Gas giant, Total SA scholarship program.
Experience Highlight
- Assisted PT Rukun Raharja Tbk in negotiating a joint operation agreement with PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) for the development of 300 km downstream crude pipeline.
- Advised Korea LNG in the development of mini LNG receiving terminal at Bontang NGL terminal in cooperation with PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT PLN Gas & Geothermal. The project was subsequently aborted.
- Advising the sponsor, a subsidiary of a middle east state-owned entity, on the development of a 145 MW Floating Photovoltaic Solar Power Plant with a power evacuation substation. When in operation, the power plant will be the first floating photovoltaic power plant in Indonesia and one of the world’s largest. Being one of the first project to be developed under the new PLN’s direct appointment regime adds a bankability challenge to this project due to World Bank’s negative pledge clause. AHP has to find pragmatic and creative solutions to provide bankable security to the project’s lenders.
- Represented PT Meindo Elang Indah as part of the onshore consortium contractors with Samsung C&T Corporation and PT GE Operations Indonesia. The consortium is undertaking the onshore engineering, procurement, and commissioning work for Jawa-1 Project, a mega combined cycle gas-fired power plant project aimed to generate electricity of up to 1,760 MW. Our works include conducting due diligence, reviewing the onshore EPC contract, and issuing a legal opinion with respect to Meindo for the benefit of the lenders in order to allow PT Jawa Satu Power to reach financial close. The lenders in Jawa-1 Project consisted of Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and Nippon Export and Investment Insurance Co, Ltd (NEXI), The Asian Development Bank (ADB), Mizuho Bank Ltd, MUFG Bank Ltd, Overseas-Chinese Banking Cooperation Ltd, Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank, and Société Générale.
- Successfully secured favorable arbitration decision in relation to the validity of the geothermal operating rights before the Indonesian Arbitration Board (Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia).
- Acting for the Consortium of Star Energy Group (Indonesia), AC Energy Holdings (Philippines) and Electricity Generating Public Company Limited (Thailand) in relation to a USD 1,25 billion Term Loan Facility Agreement to fund the consortium’s USD 2.3 billion acquisition of Chevron’s Geothermal Portfolio in Indonesia. The loan agreement comprised a syndicate of 8 major banks located in the Philippines, Thailand, and Singapore. We advised on the Indonesian-law related issues arising from the transaction, drafted the transaction documents, and acted for the client to fulfil all conditions precedent to the deal’s completion. This transaction was part of a USD 3 billion takeover of Chevron’s geothermal assets in Indonesia and the Philippines, which is one of Asia’s largest operating geothermal portfolios.
- Advised Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited in the procurement of a floating production unit (FPU).
- Advised Star Energy in relation to PSC relinquishment and firm commitment.